coyotes in space

Winter-time End-of-year wishes

With many friends of many faiths, and especially myself not being religious, I don't quite feel right wishing anyone a "Merry Christmas", nor a "happy holidays", as I don't want to seem like I'm co-opting a holy month of the year for many. But I still want to share something.

Winter's always been a fairly special time for me less for holidays as holy days, but more the season being unique-feeling, snow, time with family, visits, and sharing love with people I care about. Presents were always nice as a kid of course, but I don't think about them much now. I'm just appreciative of things at any time of year, and so Christmas-time is more of "winter holiday" for me. It's why I also want to do cookies in January, because I want to give people cheer where I can, something nice. Seasonal affective sucks, and if I can help others having it any and combat my own in the process, all the better!

I just want everyone to have a wonderful winter time, especially if spent with family, and if they're in need of some form of cheer, that they can find it, whether through born family, chosen family, friends, or even strangers. Take time for you during these darker Northern months, or warmer Southern months, wherever you can.

Big squeaky hugs from a puffy coyote who just wants to spread a few smiles if he can. 🧡🎈

tags: christmas holidays winter


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