coyotes in space

Fursona Sundries

An unusual post this time! I've been thinking about the background for Kay, both as a fursona and a character, and figured that there's a LOT of attributes a regular refsheet type thing wouldn't cover. So, I'm putting together a page for it here on the site! I'll probably play around with formatting a great deal but, hope folks like.

One thing that I'd like help with is a good way to format the miscellaneous information this page has!

Check out the page here!

Also playing with spoilers...

I've added a new bulma extension, for accordion support. Gonna use for spoilers. So much for no javascript, but CSS-based ones are a bit funky, maybe. We'll see!

I'm glad you can embed HTML in Markdown articles in pelican and it'll play nice, at least.

tags: furry writing