coyotes in space - blog index

Fursona Sundries

An unusual post this time! I've been thinking about the background for Kay, both as a fursona and a character, and figured that there's a LOT of attributes a regular refsheet type thing wouldn't cover. So, I'm putting together a page for it here on the site! I'll probably play …

Returning to the guitar?

Many years ago, I took up casual guitar lessons using my mom's classical guitar. At the time I was young and more comitted to going through motions of prep than the practice itself. I never really took the time to learn well, eventually stopped the lessons. But I always loved …

Custom Emoji, part deux!

More updates on the project! This site now has more Mutant Standard emoji in use, and now uses a spritesheet for the emoji, after some help from Jaeson. This also allows me to be far more screenreader-friendly, accessibility oriented, not relying on images and alt text, instead using a span …

Custom Emoji, Activate!

Oh hey, I just wanted to say, custom emoji work! I call it Pelimoji, a plugin for Pelican to allow simple replacement of colon-called emoji stored in a pre-defined directory.

This is based roughly off of Mastodon's CSS implementation using emojione. The script implementing this scours a setting directory for …

Templates fuget

Been meaning to make this site really look a lot nicer, so I've been faffing around with things and I think I've finally got the beginnings of something! I still need to theme the tags page to look nicer, but the indexes look OK so far.

I think I could …

Which office suite am I using?

I've been handling computer support for my dad for the better part of the last 15 years, give and take some times when he's had someone else working on it. I've helped him grow from using a local ISP's email, to using self-hosted email with his own domain on some …

In which I don't imitate Garfield...

Good morning. Or bad. Or meh! I dunno. It's a morning at least, and one in which plans don't seem to matter, so horray for that I guess? Buh.

Was hoping to go for a walk this morning but my earlier alarm never went off, so oops! At least had …

Starting Blog

Oh, hey.

I guess I should start up a simple blog thing here as part of my site, heh! I've been wanting to make a nice simple site more than just my regular homepage, so here we are.

I'm also going to see if I can't autopost to my Blimpstodon …