coyotes in space - index

New Job, Budding Hobbies, and Family Health

Oh god was this long to prep. I started writing this with the intent of it just being a blog update, and then got into getting Mastodon comments into this blog, fixing styling issues, fixing imports and dependencies so I could just use npm to install things... was a …

Longer update

Because it's been so long since my last post on here, it's...been quite a lot I've gone through over the past 3 years. I've been working from home, moved, fell in love with a wonderful walf, and now am leaving my job of 10.5 years to move on …

Brief update

Oh hi it's ass-oclock. My lovely boyfriend has been helping me fix my custom emoji plugin and I can once again build this site, yey! Very hopeful everything keeps going well. Brief update at least, but wanted to post SOMETHING to show this site isn't dead. Anymore.

What Prompts Fursona Changes

This is kind of a weird post as a hello again to my site, but after seeing a take that rubbed me very much the wrong way, in part because I've seen it many times since 2016, I wanted to write up: Fursona Changes.

Right now there's a meme-type quote-RT …

Camping dreams are weird

Dreams are so weird sometimes. And fun! I had a dream last night that somehow evolved into hearing that it was too late for hikers to start on the northbound (NOBO) hike of the Appalachian Trail. And I was hiking it apparently, along with some friends. I remember looking around …

Fursona Sundries

An unusual post this time! I've been thinking about the background for Kay, both as a fursona and a character, and figured that there's a LOT of attributes a regular refsheet type thing wouldn't cover. So, I'm putting together a page for it here on the site! I'll probably play …

Returning to the guitar?

Many years ago, I took up casual guitar lessons using my mom's classical guitar. At the time I was young and more comitted to going through motions of prep than the practice itself. I never really took the time to learn well, eventually stopped the lessons. But I always loved …

Custom Emoji, part deux!

More updates on the project! This site now has more Mutant Standard emoji in use, and now uses a spritesheet for the emoji, after some help from Jaeson. This also allows me to be far more screenreader-friendly, accessibility oriented, not relying on images and alt text, instead using a span …

Custom Emoji, Activate!

Oh hey, I just wanted to say, custom emoji work! I call it Pelimoji, a plugin for Pelican to allow simple replacement of colon-called emoji stored in a pre-defined directory.

This is based roughly off of Mastodon's CSS implementation using emojione. The script implementing this scours a setting directory for …